Public library programs
As a children's singer, songwriter, author, and poet, I use hand motions, body movement, fingerplay, children's books, poems, puppets, percussion instruments and other props to create programs sure to teach, engage, and entertain. The following programs have been designed especially for the library setting.
Sail to China or swing on a star.
It's another time, another age.
On the wings of a dream
you are traveling far
every time you turn a page,
at the library.
- From Eric's song "At the Library"

The Build a Better Dog House Show
Join children’s author and award-winning songwriter Eric Ode in this high-participation, music-filled concert. Benjamin D. Dog wants to build a new dog house—the world’s most amazing dog house! With the help of The Tele-Traveling-Transportamatic (Or is it really just a cardboard box?), Benjamin zips across the globe in search of inspiration.

Children's Books - A Celebration in Song
We're celebrating children's books! Many wonderful picture books have been illustrated to popular sing-along songs, and many others are songs waiting to happen. Hand motions, movement songs, puppets, rhythm instruments, and Eric's Amazing Book Machine create a high-participation songfest for young children and their caregivers.

How to Fool a Dragon (And Save the World)
Who will win when three knights and one little boy set off to defeat a sinister dragon? You'll find out when you join award-winning songwriter and children's author Eric Ode in this high-participation music concert and puppet show. (For ages 3 to 8)

The Doctor's in the House
Dr. Seuss, that is! Come join us for a celebration of rhyme and rhythm, song and silliness. Award winning children's songwriter and popular children's poet Eric Ode brings this high participation program to your library.
Who's that singing with a fox?
Who's that singing in a box?
Who's that singing with a mouse?
Dr. Seuss is in the house!
Catch a Song, Stretch a Song, Turn it Inside-Out
Join award-winning singer, songwriter, and poet Eric Ode, along with his fuzzy friend Sticky the Fly, for a rockin' concert of brain-stretching silliness. Bring your noggin! We'll be using your ideas to twist and turn this song and that. Stories, songs, poems, puppets, and props make this a high-participation creation celebration. (especially for ages 5 to 10)

Wiggle, Waddle, Stomp and Sing!
Jump like a frog. Crawl like a bug. Fly like a bird! Join award winning singer, songwriter, and poet Eric Ode along with his fuzzy friend, Sticky the Fly, for a movin' and groovin' concert just right for preschoolers and their caregivers. Stories and songs, poems, puppets, and props make this a high-participation creation celebration. (especially for ages 3 to 5)

A Blizzard of Tales and Tunes
Prepare for a storm of winter stories and winter songs for young children and their families. Hand motions, fingerplays, flannel board, and other props plus a musical visit from that crabby tabby, Scratch, the Barn Cat, bring it all to life in this fast paced, 45 minute program.
More Fun Music and Poetry Programs...
Sing a Song of Spring - A Celebration in Tales and Tunes
Young children and families welcome! It's a festival of springtime songs and stories - some well known and well loved, and many brand new. Hand motions, fingerplays, flannel board, and other props, puppets, and activities help to create an uplifting and interactive program.
You and Me and ABC - An Early Literacy concert for young children and their caregivers
With simple songs, musical games, fingerplays, and movement activities, we're building Early Literacy skills in a positive, interactive, and fun setting. Snuggle up on the carpet. Eric uses puppets, guitar, flannel board, and other props to build vocabulary and letter knowledge and to create a pleasant time of being together.
Fees: $425.00 per program. Programs further than 90 minutes from Port Townsend, WA may require additional travel expense. When space is limited, a second program back-to-back with the first may be scheduled for an additional fee of $190.00. Sound system and all other equipment is provided.
Libraries outside of WA State: Ask me about program opportunities for libraries outside of Washington State. This becomes especially do-able if we can line up programs with a few branches in one general area or if the visit can be combined with a school's author visit or similar event in the area. Email (eric@ericode.com) or call (253) 350-9779.