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Celebrating Language through Story and Song
Hi. I'm Eric Ode, an author, songwriter, poet, and educator for kids and families. I'm glad you stopped by! Here you can learn about my author visit assemblies and workshops for schools and my music and poetry programs for libraries. You can check out my schedule for upcoming concerts and events and take a peek at my books and CDs. Those links above take you to other pages in my children's music and poetry web site. Enjoy! Oh, and while you're here, drop me an email ( I'd look forward to hearing from you.

Virtual Assemblies, Concerts, & Workshops
School, library, and events coordinators: In addition to live shows, I am providing virtual concerts and school author visit assemblies and workshops via Zoom and Google Meet. Please get in touch if you would like more information or want to bounce ideas back and forth. I'm happy to discuss options and solutions with you. This is a good time to get creative!
Educators/PTSA leaders: You can find information regarding virtual school author visits here.
NEW Poetry Workshop video series!
Here's a new resource for educators, parents, and kids excited about creativity. Produced with the support of the King County Library System, this series of five short videos have Eric using kid-generated contributions to create on-the-spot poems. Themes include writing tools such as simile, personification, assonance, alliteration, repetition, and meter.
Welcome to the Coffee Shop!
Tales from the Soggy Doggy Coffee Shop -
a poetry podcast for families!
What do you get when you mix together silly radio theater, interviews with popular children’s poets, and kids sharing poems of their own? You get a whole lot of fun! Give a listen. JR, Thelma, and the whole gang are glad you’re here!
Written and produced by author, poet and songwriter Eric Ode, Deep Rooted Music, LLC.

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